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8 Exercises To Make Your Joints More Stable

Apr 30, 2024

Photo: Nikola Ilic via Getty Images

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About 1 in 5 people have Generalized Joint Hypermobility (GJH), which means nearly 20 percent of backpackers could have joints that can move farther than the “normal” range of motion. Although many with hypermobile joints are unaffected in their day-to-day lives, others deal with symptoms that alter their experience outdoors, such as pain, frequent sprains, joint subluxes (partial dislocations), and a variety of related disorders, such as higher likelihood of allergies, temperature regulation issues, collapsed arches, and dizzy spells. When hypermobility becomes pathogenic like this, doctors may diagnose it as either Hypermobility Spectrum Disorder or an Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (there are 13 types, but EDS is the most common), depending on symptoms.

You might have hypermobile joints if:

If you suspect you are hypermobile and would like to learn more, visit the Ehlers-Danlos Society website for more information.

Absolutely. Being hypermobile doesn’t have to limit you in the outdoors. The best and safest way to enjoy your time on the trail is to plan ahead for discomfort and pack hypermobility aides (splints, braces, or anything to provide joint support and decrease injury). With hypermobility, walking on uneven terrain can be a challenge. People with GJH usually have decreased proprioception, the sense of where your body is in space. You probably find yourself more likely to trip or stumble than some of your hiking peers; using trekking poles and properly fitting and loading your pack can help.

You may also want to consider hiking in high-top boots, and ankle, knee, or hip braces. Contrary to popular belief, braces will not weaken a hypermobile joint; they actually provide pain relief and help the body learn “normal” ranges of motion (ROM), which improves proprioception. Some people like hypermobility braces with stop-ROM to prevent uncomfortable knee hyperextension while walking and standing. Just be mindful of spots that may rub and lead to blistering and always try out the braces on a few short dayhikes before a longer trip. Make sure to pack a compression bandage (such as an ACE bandage), a SAM splint, and various dressings into your first-aid kit as well.

Hypermobility often co-exists with a hyper-reactive nervous system. If you ever experience dizzy spells after getting up from a short snack break on the trail or feel like your blood pressure drops after being on your feet for a few seconds or minutes, you might need additional tools to keep your nervous system calm on the trail.

Body temperature can be difficult to regulate with an overactive nervous system, so hikers with this condition should wear wicking layers that are easy to peel off and put on. Fingerless gloves and sleeping bag liners may also provide additional, adjustable comfort on a long trip. Also, wear compression socks rated at 20 mmHG or higher to help prevent blood from pooling in your legs. Avoid bending over at the waist for too long, which can cause blood to pool in the abdomen and trigger a drop in blood pressure when you return to upright. Good posture, even when you’re catching your breath, goes a long way.

Electrolytes also help your muscles and nerves fire more effectively, which helps fend off dizziness, fatigue, cramps, and body temperature disregulation. Some signs that your electrolyte balance is off include brain fog, “bonking” early in the hike, and legs that feel like lead.

To make sure your joints can handle the rigors of the trail, spend three to four weeks building stabilizer strength with these simple exercises. You don’t have to be explicitly hypermobile to benefit from this: Anyone who does these will feel more joint stability after doing these exercises. They create a solid foundation for all hikers, no matter their anatomy.

Your tongue is connected directly to your deep neck flexor muscles, which are neck muscles that tend to become weak and long. This creates a forward head posture that can get worse while you’re backpacking. Strengthening the deep neck flexors will help keep your entire spine aligned and comfortable. Try to use this tongue posture while doing all of the subsequent exercises and practice as often as you can remember.

This exercise goes hand in hand with the Mewing Tongue Posture to strengthen the deep neck flexors for spinal stability and comfort. This is also great if you experience pain across your upper back and neck on a regular basis. Perform 6 to 8 reps once or twice a day.

Coordinating your breathing on this exercise will help to strengthen your entire core in a way that allows you to breathe better and remain stable while hiking. Perform 8 to 10 repetitions once or twice a day.

These exercises activate a pair of long, skinny, spinal stabilizers called the multifidus muscles. It’s important to strengthen these muscles because if you don’t, other muscles step in, which leads to knots and discomfort.

Start by marching on the foam roller. Perform 6 to 8 reps with each foot once or twice a day.

If marching becomes too easy, try this variation. You can start with your hands on the floor if desired for support. Perform 6 to 8 reps on each leg, once or twice a day.

While most of your hiking stability comes from your glutes, working on your ankle strength will reduce your chances of rolling it, as well as reduce irritation on the joint. Perform 8 to 12 reps once or twice a day with a medium to heavy resistance band.

Perform 8 to 12 reps once or twice a day with a medium to heavy resistance band.

The upper back muscles tend to get tired quickly while hiking, which can make your head tilt forward and eventually irritate your entire back. Strengthening the midback muscles will do wonders for this type of discomfort. Perform 8 to 10 reps once or twice a day.

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